Other Local LGBTQIA+ Services & Resources
AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)
Mission: Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem. It doesn’t cost anything to attend A.A. meetings. There are no age or education requirements to participate. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about their drinking problem. A.A.’s primary purpose is to help alcoholics to achieve sobriety. Tabernacle Church, 50 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts. Thursday 6:30 (online). Friday 6:30 (live) |
PFLAG (Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)
Mission: Our mission is to build on a foundation of loving families united with LGBTQ+ people and allies who support one another, and to educate ourselves and our communities to speak up as advocates until all hearts and minds respect, value and affirm LGBTQ people. Essex/Cape Ann Chapter: 1st Tuesday at 7 PM. Contact: [email protected] |
North Shore Health Project
5 Center HIV/AIDS Management & Holistics 5 Center Street Gloucester MA 01930 (978) 283-0101 One Stop Harm Reduction Center HIV/STI/Hep C Testing, Needle Exchange & Overdose Prevention Services 9 Center Street Gloucester MA 01930 (978) 865-3924 [email protected] |
Aeon Health Counseling
Mission: We offer concierge, boutique holistic healing and professional counseling. We practice from a trauma-informed and family-centered lens that allows for corrective experiences in your medical and behavioral health care. This is a group practice. LGBTQ friendly. Some staff are LGBTQ+ persons. Lynn MA based. Phone: (617) 341-9690 email: [email protected] |
Mission: Healing abuse. Working for change. Multiple locations in the North Shore. Everyone is welcome but not LGBTQ+ specific. |
Mission: Eliminating racism. Empowering women. 20 Central Avenue, Suite 510 Lynn, MA 01901 Phone: (781) 477.2313 Rape Crisis Hotline: 877-509-YWCA (9922) |
Boston Based LGBTQIA+ Services & Resources
Fenway Health
Multiple locations. Mission: Since 1971, Fenway Health has been working to make life healthier for the people in our neighborhood, the LGBTQIA+ community, people living with HIV/AIDS and the broader population. Fenway was founded in 1971 as part of the free clinic movement by students who believed that “health care should be a right, not a privilege.” In its early days, Fenway was a drop-in clinic providing free blood pressure checks and STD screenings. Over the years, Fenway obtained permanent space and incorporated as a freestanding health center with a staff of one volunteer doctor, one nurse and one intake worker. Today, Fenway Health has a budget of more than $131 million, a staff of more than 600 and a patient population of more than 33,000. Fenway Health is a Federally Qualified Community Health Center. Family Planning and Sperm Banks: California Cryobank and Legacy |